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Africa Unite aims at bringing diversified perspectives and new stories to the world.

The world is full of interesting stories, yet much of the international news and reports about Africa are characterized by preconceived notions. The continent is often defined as a country, which is really downright misleading.

As BBC World News Award-winning journalist Nancy Kacungira puts it :   "The system of storytelling on Africa is too often incomplete, stereotyped - and specious."

That's where Africa Unite TV comes into the picture. We focus on bringing forward a media channel filled with inspiring, new outlooks and alternative approaches to report on the African continent and its many secrets.

africa unite tv is represented by

Partners around the globe

The teams working with Africa Unite excel within a range of different areas.


The Africa Unite team in Cameroon is made up of talented journalists, camera-men, editors, directors, sound producers, animators and graphic designers.

South Africa

The South African team represents with excellency and creativity - both through business development, content creation, reporting and investigative journalism.

Caribbean Islands

Africa Unite TV have super skilled film teams on several different islands of the Caribbeans in the West Indies - from filmmakers, editors, reporters and script writers.


The team in Northern Europe is primarily focused on business development, innovation and coordination of partnerships but is also involved in content creation.


The Nigerian team works amidst flourishing film- & report content creators. They also excel in graphic design, sound production and business development.


The French team are extremely talented filmmakers, editors, reporters and content creators, as well as business developers and entrepreneurs developing partnerships.


The team from Ghana are prominent filmmakers, reporters, sound producers, editors and entrepreneurs with a great sense for building partnership.

United States 

The African diaspora in the US is both large, talented and diversified. The US team consists of filmmakers, reporters, business developers, sound producers and other creative souls.

United Kingdom

The team in the United Kingdom has an excellent knowledge within a wide range of media creation, business development and creative partnerships.

Africa Unite Media group's


Africa Unite Media Group would not be the same without our precious partners.